Zoom Cafe
We hold a monthly webinar to help you in your Financial Discipleship Journey. We invite experienced leaders to address important for you topics. It is an interactive time, where you can ask your questions. share opinion and pray with others. The webinar takes place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 19:30 Central European Time (CET). If you want to organize translation into your language, please email pavel@compass1.eu.
January's Zoom Cafe Topic: How to Build Financial Strength in 2025?
In an age where financial success often seems synonymous with wealth, it’s easy to overlook the deeper qualities that define financial strength. Many of us are caught in a relentless cycle of worry, constantly questioning whether we’ll have enough to meet our needs or achieve our dreams. We chase after more money and possessions, believing these will lead us to security and happiness. However, the real essence of financial strength lies not in the numbers on our bank

statements but in the character we cultivate as we navigate our financial journeys. Want to build true financial strength? Join us on this webinar with Peter Briscoe, founder of Compass Europe and author of numerous books.
Future webinars
More information coming soon...