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This book is an invitation to join Jesus in an exciting journey of financial discipleship.


A disciple is a person who has an ongoing, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and who gladly shares what he or she has learned with others. Financial discipleship is so important because what we do with our money reflects our heart’s priorities. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also.”


A financial disciple has a clear vision, to see every follower of Christ in every nation faithfully living by God's financial principles in every area of their lives, both personally and in their work, family and community. He or she desires to know Christ more intimately, to be free to serve, and to help fund the work of the church.


Join us in the journey of financial discipleship!


Financial Discipleship – Endorsements

This is written as we are still living in a time where Covid-19 has taken centre-stage, and as of yet, we do not know what the full effects of it will be. This includes the area of economics as well. We have this sense of foreboding it will put many of us under financial pressure. So, this book comes at just the right time to help us work through some of the challenges we are facing.

There is much emphasis about discipleship these days and finally we have realised that it is not just about a decision to follow Jesus only but to follow through with that decision and follow Jesus and be obedient to Him.

Peter Briscoe, in the opening chapters of the book, covers general discipleship and then connects discipleship with the most mentioned topic in the bible: money. He lays good foundations and mingles them with sound and practical principles.

The short chapters 13-27 can be used as a devotional, each one covering a topic based on a bible passage. It’s a great read and helpful for individuals and churches.

This book is not just good theory rather, in the ending chapters, Peter Briscoe earths his book with the Compass Europe tool to navigate our journey as financial disciples. Compass Europe being an organisation he co-founded to do the very things laid out in this book.

Reading Financial Discipleship and putting into practice financial discipleship will surely make you a more inclusive disciple and disciple-maker.

Thomas Bucher
General Secretary European Evangelical Alliance, Switzerland.


What a great experience to work through the book and have that extremely positive feeling that it was absolutely worth it, it is packed with wisdom and though it is so easy to digest, the value is in the digesting. This book manages to transfer something more than mere wisdom, but something personal that speaks to your inner being. It ignited in me a new flame to continue living out these passions to be a financial disciple. I loved the practical suggestions.

This book greatest strength lies in the fact that it gives you the spiritual financial lenses to examine your current financial values and align them with spiritual financial disciplines which will lead to eternal value. This book reminded me of letting go of my own financial assumptions about what my financial path looks like being a business consultant and spending years at lecturing in a prestigious business school. This book focusses your attention on the ultimate Navigator and His financial plans for your life. This is a great tool to use as prescribed material for small group discussion and online teaching.
The true measure of your ministry will not be the size of your building or the number of people who attend. The true measure will be the number and quality of disciples that you produced.

I highly recommend this book.

Mario Denton: Industrial Psychologist: (MBA, MeCon, PhD) Cape Town, South Africa.

As an accountant I see how money can take a hold on entrepreneurs every day. Entrepreneurs who start a business from a Christian vision often come so easily under the influence of mammon. They start with good intentions to use money in the right way, but as the years go by, I see that spending increases, donations decrease, and eventually personal financial goals are not met.
Much or little money is not the issue. If you're attached to it, that’s what counts.

The fact that finance forms a large part of life and work is not evident for every Christian. There is little knowledge about the subject, and many Christians fall into a trap by chasing money and possessions. I am pleased that Peter writes about this subject.

I have known Peter Briscoe for 30 years. He taught me the first principles of dealing with money. "Show me your bank account and I'll tell you what your priorities are," is a quote I learned from him early on. Or "if you don't listen to your wife, you'll miss half of God's wisdom!"
Peter is able to share this knowledge in a simple and clear way. However, he doesn't just stick to knowledge and theory but also applies it in his own daily life, and now shares it with us in this book. Practical examples, biblical foundation and humour are ingredients that make the book instructive and helpful.

I pray that this book will be a blessing and edification for many.

Pieter van der Kwaak RA, Certified public accountant, ceo Lansigt accountants and taxadvisors. The Netherlands

“You can only live once.” Indeed true and you want to make sure that your investment counts for eternity. This is what the book brings.

Often, finance is not considered as part of discipleship. Why? Jesus often taught this subject and even asked people to make a choice between God and money.

Peter has been teaching Financial Discipleship for more than 30 years and brings a great sense of humour and practical-professional insights in his books.

James Sim, Singapore. CEO Compass Asia.

Financial Discipleship ... "Investing in Eternity"

SKU: 9789083031774
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