Restore Financial Hope
Build Strong Ministries and Relationships
"The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding"
(Nehemiah 2:20)
The wall at the time of Nehemiah was an image of security for people. A city without a wall was without protection and people felt helpless. This was the case with the Jews. The other nations ridiculed them and they felt ashamed. They were vulnerable, without protection. So, Nehemiah’s sorrow wasn’t for the wall but for the people of Jerusalem. His goal wasn’t to rebuild the wall but to restore hope for the Jewish people.
If we look at 21st-century Europe we can see a lot of despair, especially in the financial area. The people of Europe don’t have hope. Our mandate as Christians, and particularly as Compass Europe, is to restore this hope. How we can do it?
Come to our annual conference and we will together seek wisdom from the pages of the Bible on how to restore financial hope in Europe.
Who is the conference for?
Christians with financial problem
Pastors and church leaders
Leaders of organizations
Leaders of denominations
Business owners and managers
Treasurers and administrator
Morning Bible Teacher
Study on the book of Nehemiah
Daryl McCarthy
Is well-prepared to equip academics and leaders.
He has been in ministry since 1974 and has served as a professor, pastor, founder and president of an international ministry, writer, and speaker at universities, conferences, and churches. Currently, he serves as Executive Director of The Leadership Anvil.
In addition to writing and speaking, he mentors Christian professors and ministry leaders in Europe and beyond. Previously, he served as a Vice President with Forum of Christian Leaders and directed the European Leadership Forum Academic Network and Cambridge Scholars Network.
He was a founder of Global Scholars in 1988 and led that ministry until 2014.
He earned a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Bachelor of Theology from Kansas Christian College. Their son and daughter are both married and have blessed them with six grandchildren.
Evening Plenary Speakers
Peter Briscoe
Founder of Compass Europe, Author
Christ the Foundation of Our Financial Hope
Emőke Tapolyai
Clinical Pastoral Counsellor,
Executive Coach
Living Out of Hope in all Areas of Our Lives
Wouter Droppers
CEO of Europartners
ReBuilding "Jerusalem" Economy
We have four slots for workshops in the conference schedule. You can build your own program by selecting from various topics for each workshop slot.
Look at the list below.
Workshops for Individuals
Peter Briscoe
Founder of Compass Europe, Author
Building Contentment in Consumerism World
Yuri & Olga Boldirev
Missionaries, Compass leaders in Moldova
Money & Marriage
Alex Matijevic
Financial coach
Building Solid Investments
Sunil Raheja
Psychiatrist, Coach, Author
Managing Our Emotions Around Money
Workshops for Business People
Wouter Droppers
CEO of Europartners
Building Business God's Way
Peter Halustok
How to Make Your Business a Tool in God's Hands?
Peter Briscoe
Founder of Compass Europe, Author
Finishing Well
Workshops for Ministry Leaders
Daryl McCarthy
CEO of The Leadership Anvil
Biblical Basis for Fundrasing
Bert den Hertog
CEO of Compass Europe
How to Stop Fundraising in Churches?
Claire Niclasen
Personal Support
Personal Support Raising for Ministry
Zsolt Szalai
Professor and Chair of the Board of Compass Europe
How to Build Generosity in Your Church
Hotel Benczur
Budapest, Benczúr u. 35, 1068, Hungary
Phone +36 1 479 5650