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In these FOUR sessions, we will introduce four key concepts for financial well-being: heart, Health, Habits, and Hope. These elements form a foundation framework for making sound financial decisions.

Heart: You will learn four Biblical perspectives that will guide your financial choices.

Health: You will learn a simple tool to reveal your current financial reality and how well it aligns with your desired situation.

Habits: Learn five Biblical principles which will help you become financially stronger, if applied consistently

Hope: Confidently determine the steps to take by setting faith financial goals and aligning your finances with God’s purposes.

As you implement this strategy, remember that the goal is to impart knowledge and foster transformation. Be patient, encouraging, and prayerful as your mentee embarks on this journey. By consistently applying the virtues, they will grow into more faithful stewards of God’s resources and live out the call to honour Him with their financial decisions.

This mentoring strategy combines teaching, practical application, accountability, and reflection to create a holistic growth experience for your mentee.

Click on the icons below to open a discussion and assessment document.



Behaviour follows Belief

Heart Icon.png

4 key beliefs which will determine how you act.

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Your financial reality

Health Icon.png

5 key competing values for your spendinng plan

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Biblical Principles for Financial Health 

Habits Icon.png

4 key disciplines to maintain financial health.

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Tomorrow's Promise

Hope Icon.png

Creating financial margin to achieve financial goals

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Take the online course!

You can assess yourself on how well you are doing in each of these four areas of Heart - Health - Habits & Hope.
Also, you can use this tool to asses people you are mentoring.

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