Compass in Slovakia

Hello, I’m Peter Halustok from Kosice, Slovakia and together with Rado Ivanko, we lead the Compass ministry in Slovakia.
Our goal is to serve the Lord by teaching people financial principles God's way. I strongly believe that God's desire for us is to handle money the way that brings glory to Him and in the same time strengthtens our faith, not the opposite. In many cases bad desires and actions can even take us away from the Lord. Nothing in this world is worth loosing our soul.
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36 (NIV)
Handling money can be very tough without the help of our Creator. He wants to be part of our financial decisions and He even gave us specific instructions that we desire to share with you.
We give presentations for schools, ministries and churches.
We also provide support and materials for small group studies about finances Gods way.
Contact Peter by e-mail halustok@bibliaafinancie.sk
Visit our website: