The Financial Discipleship Experience
пт, 12.02
|Financial Discipleship Experience
An online event, connecting people from all over Europe to experience a Journey of Financial Discipleship! Those registering before January 22, and living in Europe, will receive a surprise conference package to be opened on the opening evening, February 12 at 8pm!

Час и място
12.02.2021 г., 19:00 ч. Гринуич+1 – 13.02.2021 г., 22:00 ч. Гринуич+1
Financial Discipleship Experience
За събитието
The event will begin at 8pm on Friday, February 12, 2021 and will finish the next day, Saturday, February 12 at around 10 pm.
There will be lots of time for interesting, small group interaction in language grops!
The content of the event will be provided by experiened keynote speakers in interesting, interactive sessions.
Visit the Financial Discipleship Experience page for more details.
Standard price € 60,00. Student price € 40,00, special reduced price: € 20,00 with a discount code.
If needed, there is a possibility to register with a scholarship discount code. Please send an e-mail to to request a discount code, together with your motivation.
Those registering before January 22, and living in Europe, will receive a surprise conference package to be opened on the opening evening,
Full participation in the online event. Price includes the book "Financial Discipleship" by Peter Briscoe and a surprise package. (For those living in Europe, who register before January 15.)
60,00 €+1,50 € Такса за обслужванеПродажбата приключиStudents
This ticket discount is only for students at high school or university. Full participation in the online event. Price includestghe book "Financial Discipleship" by Peter Briscoe and a surprise package. (For those living in Europe, who register before January 15.)
40,00 €+1,00 € Такса за обслужванеПродажбата приключи
0,00 €