For Church Leaders
In what way has money become a blind spot in church?
How can churches address the topic of money?

Did you know?
In many European countries 1 in 6 church families have problematic debt.
The top stress factor among many Europeans is the amount of money they have to live on.
Research suggest that more than a third of us are anxious about how to pay the bills.
Money problems are a major source of divorce
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Sermon Outlines
Rich, Young Ruler
An encounter with Jesus, who exposed a big money problem. Lessons from Luke 18:18-30
Widow & Oil
A process to become free from debt.
Lessons from 2 Kings 4:1-7
Timothy & Money
For those who are not rich, those who want to be and those who are. Lessons from 1 Timothy6`:6-10; 17-19
The Prodigal Son
How the young son wasted the money he received. Lessons from Luke 15:11-24
Double vision
Two treasures, two perspectives and two masters. Lessons from Matthew 6:19-24
The Go(l)d Standard
About God's ownership of everything, from Haggai 1 & 2