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Zoom Cafe

We hold a monthly webinar to help you in your Financial Discipleship Journey. We invite experienced leaders to address important for you topics. It is an interactive time, where you can ask your questions. share opinion and pray with others. The webinar takes place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 19:30 Central European Time (CET). If you want to organize translation into your language, please email

September's Zoom Cafe Topic: Money Mentoring - Experience the Transformation in Your Attitude Towards Finances

Many Christians haven’t been discipled and miss this important relational way of growing in maturity. In our distanced and shame-based society, some people wouldn’t join a small group study. On top of these, the topic of money is a taboo in churches and this turns out to be the missing piece in our spiritual lives. To address these issues Compass Europe is launching a Money Mentors program. We want to equip Christians to know and apply Biblical money management principles through one-on-one mentoring relationships.

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Join us for next month's webinar to learn how to help others get closer to God in all spheres of life

Future webinars

Money Mentoring - Experience the Transformation in Your Attitude Towards Finances

September 17th  

Past webinars

February 2024

Brian Holtz

Financial Discipleship in Faimilies - Part 1

March 2024

Jesse Borst

How to Reach Millions on Social Media

April 2024

Emanuel Tundrea

From Theory to Practice Real-Time Discipleship in Action

May 2024

Brian Holtz

Financial Discipleship in Faimilies - Part 2

June 2024

Ken Battles

Why & How To Speak About Money In The Church?

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